Link to the article 

"MUSSOMELI – Sabato prossimo, 31 luglio dalle 10.30 alle 12.30 presso Sala delle Adunanze, Palazzo Sgadari, si svolgerà il cerimoniale di consegna di 10 foto che i volontari del programma “Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà”, ospitati dall’Arcistrauss nell’ambito dei progetti “Anticorpi di Solidarietà” e “Tabulè: Sharing Tables, Living Cultures”, hanno scattato e doneranno all’amministrazione e alla comunità locali per l’accoglienza e l’ospitalità che gli stessi hanno ricevuto durante questi mesi di permanenza a Mussomeli. I volontari vengono da Germania, Francia, Spagna, Belgio, Estonia, Lettonia. Sono questi i progetti:Con il progetto “Anticorpi di Solidarietà” si è voluto aumentare la consapevolezza nelle comunità locale della necessità di fare uso e buon uso della solidarietà per riuscire a farne un argine alle diverse forme di violenza che rischiano di infettare la società e rendere tutti i suoi cittadini avulsi dalla ricerca del bene comune.

Con il progetto “Tabulè: Sharing Tables, Living Cultures” si è fatto della tradizione culturale e culinaria lo strumento per esplorare la diversità che, diventando valore fondante dell’unione tra popoli, riesce ad essere occasione di sviluppo sociale e culturale dei giovani e delle comunità locali. "


 This is nice and everything, but also ... very useless.  It just appeared couple of days ago in Mussomeli.


 Yesterday night about 22:00 I was just chilling at home, when I heard a knock on our door. There was police! They asked for our house front camera footage. I almost s**t my pants thinking of every wrong decision I've ever made in my life. We called the people from the organization and it turns out that our neighbour's copper pipe was stolen and they were trying to find the thieves. Uhh!


Me admiring Sicilian wine

Me with happy dogs

Me waiting for a train with a bag of chips



We are organizing different types of activities for the local kids here. The summer camp lasts 3 weeks. For now, we have done art, singing, dancing, scavenger hunt, also educational activities.
Regular temperature checking
Children city planning


One of our volunteers felt bad, because she's the only one who doesn't speak english and she felt left out of conversations sometimes. We literally had a screaming party with the people from the office. Everybody could scream what they found to be helpful for her. Of course, we translated everything. My screaming speach was about how I'm from Estonia and there's literally 1 million people in the whole world that speak estonian. I also struggle in most parts of the world, and it happens often, that even if people speak my mother language, we still don't understand each other. Not because of the language, but because we are different people. Others said other encouraging things to her, I hope it helped! Half of Mussomeli heard our crazy screaming therapy :D !


It's my first time ever when I have something wrong with my teeth, never had any holes or other problems, I have very beautiful and healhty teeth. My wisdom tooth started making me so much horrible pain yesterday. (Yes, I am 26 already, but I'm getting so wise here that it hurts!) What happens when you are a volunteer in other country and need medical help? Well, usually you have to have insurance like here everybody has Cigna. I don't have it, because you can't have two insurances at the same time. Mine in my home country is connected with my school and with unemployment service, so I decieded to not get Cigna. I had a first emergency visit yesterday, I didn't pay anything. The dentist looked into my mouth and was like: :O !!!, prescribed me 2 different pills AND something that needs to be injected to my butt! Thankfully one of the volunteers knows how to give a shot, so I didn't need to go to hospital to get shot. The scary part is still awaiting - next week I go to a checkup and maybe they need to remove the tooth. Let's hope for the best!