Call me lunatic, but I am getting daily messages from the Universe. 
Today's message was: 

Sometimes, Kristi, when a tiny series of the most unpredictable events occur that otherwise make no sense at all… it's just my way of winking and hinting that something big is about to happen.


  The Universe

In the past, I have randomly found playing cards. I google what they mean and I get my message.

Today I was going to the grocery store and I found this card laying on the ground.

Google says: 

The ace of diamonds evokes everything related to the material world. In cartomancy, this card is the strongest diamond card and embodies all of its attributes. This card is a good omen and brings personal enrichment, social success or financial income.

I'm getting rich by volunteering? Interesting.


Today our day started with self reflection task. First we filled a google form about our weekends. There were questions about what we did this weekend, how we felt and did we discover something new about ourselves. For me it was easy, because I already blogged about it. 

Second task was written like this: 

Think of a challenging situation you are facing regularly (in work or private life). What is the reason for it? Write your explanation down on a piece of paper and then “let it go” … Burn it or bury it or make a paper plane out of it.

Next thing was about this month, March. We had to answer following questions:

What do I want to achieve at the end of this month?

What would I like to focus on in this month?

When and where do I want to learn?

The last thing:

Find a word to describe how you see yourself during the month of March. 

Describe what kind of volunteer and person you want to be.