Yes, I was still sleeping when the day started. My project partner woke me up saying there's a thing I have to participate in 15 minutes. She also told me to take one BLACK, one WHITE, one RED and one YELLOW object with me. 

So we went to terrace, the sun was shining and gathered in a circle. The teacher asked us to write down whatever associates to us with these colors.

Everybody could share what they were thinking and afterwards she explained what she meant with these colors.

Basically, these colors mean different directions (in your life).

I wrote down the questions which should help to locate yourself in this wheel.

How can I reap the fruit of what I have sown?

How do I let myself go?

How do I start something new?

What should I actively do? What are the outstanding tasks? What prevents me from doing what I have to do?

Then we formed a circle and everybody got the chance to say something nice about everybody by whispering in their ear. 

After that, we had lunch together with all the other volunteers. It's the usual we do every day except sunday when we do whatever we want to do. 

The rest of my day just disappeared somewhere. 

It seems the volunteer gang has a thing with stickers, so there's the first they made about me:

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