Today we were introduced to tool which helps to prioritize your to-do list.

It was invented by the 34th president of United States, D. Eisenhower.

We had to think about the things we said we don't have time to do.
It was pretty hard exercise for me because I just don't use tis phrase. If I don't want to do something, I will still do it or come up with something else. Telling you don't have the time to do something is just a generic excuse and usually people hide the real reason behind it. 

Only difficulty is about something that is not important, but is urgent. When it's urgent, it is important, right? 

I googled it and I got the examples of answers.

  • Co-worker who comes by your desk during your prime working time to ask a favor.
  • Mom drops in unannounced and wants your help with a chore.
What I understood, it is something that somebody else does, it's not about YOUR time management skills. You could always say no if you have something more important to do. It's about your choice and nothing else. If anybody has different opinion about this, I'd be happy to hear about it.


 There's 10 volunteers in our house, 6 girls and 4 boys. Today, for personal development exercise. we imagined that we are 7-year old girls and boys. We were given toys and had 1 hour to have fun. Girls were playing with  jump rope, some of us were playing with puzzle, I was drawing kittens and sunshine. We also played with a ball and with magnets. 

I discovered that actually nothing really changed. As adults, we are doing basically the same. 


Do you remember when I posted about playing card I found outside
It's getting weirder. Today I found a Pokemon card. 

The text on the card says :

I danni questo attacco non sono influenzati dalla resistenza.

English version would be something like "This attack's damage isn't affected by stamina."

I don't know how to interpret that one!

I already consulted "experts", since this is from 2020, it's not really worth money.

I trashed the nature AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED



Today Universe said to me:

Do you know what you've been doing lately in your nightly dreams, Kristi?

No, no. Not the "naked hula hoop" dreams—are you kidding?! I'd never put those in print!

You've been reaching, helping, and bridging; teaching, guiding, and comforting; lighting, showing, and paving; reaching thousands upon thousands when you count the infinite ripple thing.

Yep, you're beginning to have the same profound effect here as you've been having on Earth.

  The Universe

I don't know why I find these messages so on point. They actually answer the questions I have in my mind.

 Like the other day I was talking to my friend about getting old. I met two local boys, I mean kids. They were asking how old I am, and when I told them my age, their next question was if I have kids. No, I don't, for them it seemed surprising, because woman at my age can easily be mothers. 
 Yes, I am afraid of getting old. I have seen old people who are to weak to even stand up. Today's medicine keeps alive people who can't breathe without the machine and who would like to be dead already.
 So I had these thoughts and I was even saying them out loud. At that very moment I got this message from Universe:

Each blossom still blooms in its field; each child still clutches your hand; each friend still lingers in your heart. 

And that, dear Kristi, is where time goes. 

Forever young, 
  The Universe

How uplifting is that.

Today I was trying to play movie director, I trimmed and merged and added sounds to my clip. I used different free programs for that and they are not that good. I still didn't finish the final clip (otherwise I would already upload it here). I went to the kitchen and my project partner was making crepes and singing along with music and asked: "Hey, by the way, my computer is so slow, can we use yours for our project's video editing?" It seems that one of the volunteer's here has Adobe Premiere (paid version) and doesn't really use it herself, so we can use her account. 
 Again, Universe was just taking two things and putting them together so the world would be a better place. The Universe is always saying that people should just ask what they need and not worry about how it get's done, it's the Universe's job. It works, I have experienced this tons of times. Thanks a lot! 


 Today I was invited to see the a garden in mountains. It seems very abandoned, nobody lives in this house. Behind this house there's also a barn and more orange, lemon and olive trees. It's far from city and you can't see too many cars on the way to this garden. 

 I was just eating these very juicy oranges when I saw a herd of sheep and goats coming. They didn't seem to be afraid of people. 

Italian sheep are bleating, they say "beeee". Estonian sheep say: "mää"

We ate as much oranges as wanted and took as much oranges with us as we wanted. Fresh orange juice in the morning is one of the best things in the world.


 It's well-known topic that Italy has problems with plastic waste and trash laying around everywhere. 

Wikipedia: In May 2008, the newly elected prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, decreed that protests in the vicinity of landfills, incinerators or any plant related to waste management, is a penal felony.

It's very hard to change something about this thing. 

Just cleaning it up is a waste of time (pun intended, haha), because the trash will be back soon. Changing everybody's thinking about world pollution? Impossible. 

I saw these signs at some places.

Why do you have to label green areas? Can't just people see that this is nature?

Me and one other volunteer came up with the theory that people don't care about nature, all they care about is money. So I made this sign:

Probably it won't change anything, but it's worth a try. 

This is our collection of empty water bottles. People drink bottled water, because the water that comes from tap, is not so good. This means we produce even more waste, just by taking care of our basic needs.

 Sicily doesn't have these reverse vending machines where you can take your empty bottles and cans. My home country has this system, if you put your empty bottles in the machine, you can get money back or donate it. It's about 10 euro cents per bottle. Some people collect empty bottles from the streets and that way they can have extra income. It's not perfect system, they don't accept vodka, wine, champagne bottles, glass jars, tin cans and bottles from other countries or bottles without label/non-readable label. 


 One of our volunteer's boots. I like how she used them until they were really done. So eco! Don't throw anything away before it's completely useless.




I have never been really into posting in social media, but now I have no choice because it's one of the volunteer's tasks. 

Our TikTok

Our Instagram

Our other Instagram

Today it was raining. I went out to walk and it was pretty nice.

A clip the other volunteer made of me. Others have the same layout clips with their faces.


 Call me lunatic, but I am getting daily messages from the Universe. 
Today's message was: 

Sometimes, Kristi, when a tiny series of the most unpredictable events occur that otherwise make no sense at all… it's just my way of winking and hinting that something big is about to happen.


  The Universe

In the past, I have randomly found playing cards. I google what they mean and I get my message.

Today I was going to the grocery store and I found this card laying on the ground.

Google says: 

The ace of diamonds evokes everything related to the material world. In cartomancy, this card is the strongest diamond card and embodies all of its attributes. This card is a good omen and brings personal enrichment, social success or financial income.

I'm getting rich by volunteering? Interesting.


Today our day started with self reflection task. First we filled a google form about our weekends. There were questions about what we did this weekend, how we felt and did we discover something new about ourselves. For me it was easy, because I already blogged about it. 

Second task was written like this: 

Think of a challenging situation you are facing regularly (in work or private life). What is the reason for it? Write your explanation down on a piece of paper and then “let it go” … Burn it or bury it or make a paper plane out of it.

Next thing was about this month, March. We had to answer following questions:

What do I want to achieve at the end of this month?

What would I like to focus on in this month?

When and where do I want to learn?

The last thing:

Find a word to describe how you see yourself during the month of March. 

Describe what kind of volunteer and person you want to be.