It's well-known topic that Italy has problems with plastic waste and trash laying around everywhere. 

Wikipedia: In May 2008, the newly elected prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, decreed that protests in the vicinity of landfills, incinerators or any plant related to waste management, is a penal felony.

It's very hard to change something about this thing. 

Just cleaning it up is a waste of time (pun intended, haha), because the trash will be back soon. Changing everybody's thinking about world pollution? Impossible. 

I saw these signs at some places.

Why do you have to label green areas? Can't just people see that this is nature?

Me and one other volunteer came up with the theory that people don't care about nature, all they care about is money. So I made this sign:

Probably it won't change anything, but it's worth a try. 

This is our collection of empty water bottles. People drink bottled water, because the water that comes from tap, is not so good. This means we produce even more waste, just by taking care of our basic needs.

 Sicily doesn't have these reverse vending machines where you can take your empty bottles and cans. My home country has this system, if you put your empty bottles in the machine, you can get money back or donate it. It's about 10 euro cents per bottle. Some people collect empty bottles from the streets and that way they can have extra income. It's not perfect system, they don't accept vodka, wine, champagne bottles, glass jars, tin cans and bottles from other countries or bottles without label/non-readable label. 

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